Private Cloud Migrations: Getting Prepared for the Big Move


Private Cloud Migrations: Getting Prepared for the Big Move

One of the key drivers for any company embracing technology is innovation. The advent of the cloud is one of the most significant and disruptive advances for business in recent years.

Realizing the cloud’s true benefits through speed, agility and an ability to embrace change can be a very big challenge. On one hand, doing nothing can leave you stuck with an outdated technology platform, driving your business into an uncompetitive state. But on the other hand, tackling the move yourself could leave you with a broken platform, escalating costs and potential reputational damage.

The first step to success is working with a partner who understands your applications and can provide the skills and expertise for an effective migration.

From identifying which applications are a best-fit for private cloud, to managing a successful migration, you should have a game plan in place to address each challenge that might come your way.

To help you prepare, we’ve put together the “Navigating Your Private Cloud Migration” infographic. You’ll discover the four major stages of any migration project, detailed guidelines for navigating each stage, and tips and warnings you’ll need to keep in mind throughout the process.

private cloud migration infographic

The key to a successful migration lies in the assessment and planning. To help, we’ve put together a comprehensive checklist you can reference before and during your cloud migration. Download the checklist here.