Take advantage of a complimentary data discovery session to learn how Rackspace can accelerate your path to becoming a data-driven organization.
According to IDC, 90% of the data that exists today was created in the last two years and by 2025 the volume of data is expected to hit 175 trillion gigabytes. As data volume, variety and sources quickly increase, businesses are struggling to manage data and generate meaningful analysis.
Rackspace Technology helps customers handle increasingly large volumes of data effectively and economically by leveraging unbiased expertise to implement best-fit database, modern analytics, AI and machine learning solutions quickly.
Rackspace Technology is offering a complimentary Data Discovery Session where we’ll help you better understand how leveraging cloud data technologies and operational data management can accelerate the delivery of customer and business insights to key stakeholders, empowering your team to create a truly data-driven organization.
What will you get?
Our data solution architects will conduct a two hour discovery session with your key business stakeholders to share industry insights and better understand where you are today and where you want to go. Following the session, we will craft a proposal with recommended next steps for your team.
In the meeting, we will cover:
Industry trends for data modernization
Business objectives
Use cases
Proposed solutions
How it works
Step 1. Introductions: A Rackspace Technology data specialist will join you on a quick discovery call to get an understanding of how you leverage data in your business today. In this meeting we will ask where your data is stored and what technologies you are currently leveraging.
Step 2. Data Discovery Session: A data solutions architect and data specialist will conduct a 2-hour session with your key business stakeholders to better understand the challenges of your current data environment and how that data could be fully leveraged across your organization.
Step 3. Recommendations: Following the strategy session, our data specialist will follow up with proposed best next steps for your team.
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