Rackspace Managed VMware Cloud on AWS

Rackspace helps customers to maximise the benefits of using both VMware Cloud and AWS

Best in-class VMware Cloud and AWS experts

Setup and migration services

24x7x365 support through a single partner

Consolidated billing and flexible payment options

Only global provider of external storage for VMware Cloud on AWS

30-day no risk proof of concept trial


Understanding the building blocks

Managed VMware Cloud on AWS combines the best of VMware and AWS to enable customers to realise significant benefits, including:

  • Best-in-class hybrid cloud capabilities
  • Simple and consistent operations
  • Cloud-scale flexibility

Download the service overview today and quickly understand why Rackspace Managed VMware Cloud on AWS is the ideal solution for customers looking for a simplified path to a hybrid cloud.



Benefits for your business

Here are some key reasons to why businesses consider a hybrid cloud solution like VMware cloud on AWS.

On-demand Disaster
Recovery as a Service



Meet your regulatory
compliance needs

Move applications to
the cloud without

Leverage the
elasticity of the cloud

Take advantage of the offers


Jump start your VMware Cloud on AWS journey. With thousands of certified cloud experts, Rackspace has both the VMware and AWS expertise to help you get the most value out of VMware Cloud on AWS and AWS services. With extensive unbiased services built on industry best-practices and delivered by a single partner, you can simplify, accelerate and optimise your transformation to hybrid cloud powered by VMware Cloud and AWS.

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Sign-up for a free 30-day trial

Test drive a fully functioning, VMware Cloud on AWS environment for 30 days with no long-term obligation. During the proof of concept (POC) trial our team will be right by your side to help you build, deploy and manage your hybrid cloud environment.

Enquire now


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Free credits to start your first AWS project

Sign up for a subscription of Managed VMware Cloud on AWS and earn up to $9,000 per host credit for Fanatical Experience® for AWS. One-year subscriptions earn a credit of $4,000 per VMware Cloud on AWS host and three-year subscriptions earn a $9,000 per host credit.

Enquire now


Leverage our VMware and AWS expert resources


We have expert guides to support your decision-making, whatever stage you’re at in your cloud journey. Whether taking the first step towards implementation, extending your current cloud provision or trying something completely new, we have the answers to your questions.

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Why VMware Cloud on AWS?

Discover how AWS native services will enhance your VMware capabilities as you boost your cloud with Rackspace expertise. Utilise the trusted VMware products and tools, whilst tapping into a broad range of AWS services.


Find out more


woman working on laptop

Asking the right questions

If you want to know more about how enterprises leverage hybrid clouds, what makes for a best-in-class hybrid cloud service, or whether VMware Cloud on AWS is right for you, you’re sure to find it here.


Find out more


birds flying over mountain

Seamless cloud migration

Follow our three-step guide for a simple and effective cloud migration, leveraging our strong partnerships and expertise to get the greatest business value from Rackspace Managed VMware and AWS.


Find out more


Tune in or listen on demand


Interested in finding out more about smarter, faster and safer cloud managed by cross-platform experts? Tune into one of our webinars to discover how Rackspace Managed VMware Cloud on AWS will give your business a clear advantage.

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Introduction to VMware Cloud on AWS

Explore what this next-generation cloud solution has to offer, while maximizing your existing VMware and AWS investments in our introductory webinar with CTO of Rackspace, Lee James and Director of VMC on AWS at VMware, Tim Hearn.

Watch now


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Technical deep dive with the experts

Get into the detail with Ather Beg, Rackspace Enterprise Solutions Architect and Carmen Hostetler, VMware Cloud Solutions Architect, and learn about the technical steps to consider when implementing your first VMware Cloud on AWS deployment, to full application-level integration with AWS.

Watch now

We want you to be happy that Rackspace Managed
VMware on AWS is your best solution.


Related information

Rackspace partners with NetApp

Rackspace’s latest move with NetApp is a step toward servicing customers with storage heavy workloads, eliminating the need to purchase additional compute and memory. Enterprises are increasingly choosing to take a multi-cloud strategy approach to their business and this partnership is the solution needed.

Learn More

Reduce costs of VMware Cloud

Delivering the first fully managed, globally available, cloud-attached storage solution that integrates natively as a datastore. Rackspace was one of the first VMware managed service providers to launch a Managed VMware Cloud on AWS offering, and this new solution continues that leadership around hybrid cloud solutions.

Learn More