Get architectural guidance and best practices for secure, performant, cost-optimised apps in GCP
It’s vital you get the most from your Google Cloud Platform environment. That’s why we created our Enhanced Architecture Review Service. Setup a call with our certified Solutions Architects and let Rackspace help you on your Google Cloud journey.
The review workshop assesses your cloud architecture, analysing workloads across your GCP account, and provides you with a detailed report regarding your next steps.
Benefits include:
- A detailed review of your existing environment and/or new workloads to be migrated to GCP
- Advice on how to minimise system failures and operational costs
- Best practice guidance on organisational setup, networking, security, architecture, billing, and more
- Insight into delivering on the cloud value proposition
After the workshop, you will receive a full report that contains actionable items to resolve architectural concerns, and best practice guidance regarding key principles of your GCP environment. We're happy to continue discussing how Rackspace can help implement the recommendations from your report or you're free to use the report suggestions on your own. It's your choice.
Why Rackspace?
A 2 time Google Partner of the Year winner (2018 - Migration, 2019 - Infrastructure), Rackspace has been a LEADER in Gartner’s MQ for Professional & Managed Services in Public Cloud every year since 2017 because we provide outcome based Service offerings that assist customers in planning, migrating, operating & optimising their cloud environments. That's how we have over 380 Google certified Rackers, more than 2000 GCP customer projects under management, and over 220 technical certifications achieved.
We provide Fanatical Experience to our customers, no matter what stage of the Cloud journey they are on.
Sign up now!
Fill out the form on this page to receive our detailed GCP Enhanced Review e-guide and get a call back to discuss scheduling your review workshop.
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