Database services that maximize the value of your data

We help you determine and deploy the right database management systems to help you improve customer experiences, unlock new revenue streams and increase business agility.

Your data has the power to work hard for you. But many businesses are stuck in outdated database architectures with poorly designed and deployed database management systems (DBMS) that slow them down.

The database optimization experts at Rackspace Technology™ help you identify the right database architecture and database management systems for your needs. Whether you’re on-premises or moving to the cloud, we’ll help you maximize the value of your database solutions and unlock the benefits of data — so you can deliver better customer experiences, security, revenue opportunities and business agility.

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Use Cases

Optimize your access to data based on its relationships with other data.

  • Use Structured Query Language (SQL) to add, update or delete rows of data, retrieve subsets of data for transaction processing and analytics applications, and manage all aspects of the database.
  • Ensure all database transactions are ACID compliant — Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable — to help ensure that data stays accurate, consistent and complete.
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Optimize non-relational data, such as big data.

  • Simplify design with horizontal scaling to clusters of machines and fine levels of availability control while avoiding object-relational impedance mismatch.
  • Data structures used by NoSQL databases include key–value pair, wide column, graph, time series, or document, making some operations faster.
  • Enable faster application development with greater schema design flexibility.
person working on the computer at night

Database-as-a-Service delivers auto-scaling and provisioning for production-ready workloads in minutes.

ObjectRocket gives you fully managed, automated and highly available MongoDB, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, and Redis database solutions — supported by DBAs and customer data engineers.

  • Instantly access production-ready instances of the latest database technologies.
  • Enjoy elastic resources to shrink and grow capacity and performance based on your needs.
  • Gain peace of mind with a secure database platform monitored and maintained around-the-clock by our database experts.
people in suits with their tablets

Pilot the ObjectRocket Platform Free!

Try Fully-Managed CockroachDB, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis or TimescaleDB.

Braze logo
"Rackspace’s ObjectRocket portfolio offering has database administrators and engineers who fully support our data, not just the infrastructure."
Jon Hyman, CTO and Co-founder, Braze See the case study

See more case studies

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Ready to Get Started?

We’re on your side, doing what it takes to get the job done right — from the first consultation to your daily operations. Contact us for a free quote.

Our Expertise

Explore our expert credentials and industry recognition.

2200+ AWS Certifications
500 Google Cloud Certifications
2,700+ Microsoft Certifications
210+ Certified DBAs across Leading DBMS

Recognized leadership

Providing innovation and leadership in the technology services industry for 20+ years.

  • AWS Premier Consulting Partner, with 14 Competencies
  • Google Cloud Partner of the Year
  • Five-Time Microsoft Hosting Partner of the Year
  • MySQL Certified Hosting Partner

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