Protect your business with enterprise-grade multicloud security services

Seth Pickett

man looking at computer and using mouse

Rackspace Technology security experts can help protect your on-premises data center, branch locations, colocation, AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environments and more.

The shift to modern architectures, cloud-based applications and remote workforces has dramatically increased the threat profile of organizations. Cybersecurity remains a top agenda item for businesses, however 74% of companies have revealed that they are challenged with hiring and retaining the cybersecurity talent they need due to a global cybersecurity skills shortage. We’ve seen it first-hand, as our customers reach out, asking us to help them secure environments outside of their Rackspace Technology environments. They understand that now, more than ever, it’s imperative to reduce the risk of a cybersecurity incident impacting your business.

To handle threats effectively, enterprises need a partner that consolidates threat intelligence, security analytics, alerts and response services together into a solution that can be easily deployed and managed across multicloud environments. Thousands of customers around the globe rely on us as their strategic security partner to help them assess their current security and compliance posture against industry benchmarks. We design, build and fully manage a defense-in-depth architecture for our customers to protect their multicloud apps and data.

Now, we’re happy to announce that we are extending our world-class Security Operation Center capabilities with threat detection and incident response services to your environments that aren’t currently managed by Rackspace Technology — such as your on-premises data center, branch locations, colocation, AWS, Microsoft® Azure®, or Google Cloud Platform™ (GCP) environments — for unified protection across your entire multicloud.

We can be your organization’s security force multiplier, providing around-the-clock Security Operation Center (SOC) services to help detect and respond to vulnerabilities and emerging threats.  


Protecting your enterprise and multicloud environments

Our security force includes over 400 network and security experts with over 500 network and security certifications, so your business does not suffer from the industry shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Our global SOC has locations in San Antonio and London with Global Information Assurance Certified (GIAC) and Global Certified Incident Handlers (GCIH) security analysts who are focused on analyzing security alerts and providing incident response around-the-clock, for your peace-of-mind. Our SOC services are now available to help protect all of your environments no matter where your applications and data are hosted.

When it comes to security breaches, the industry average time to detect and contain a breach is 279 days.  But by employing our SOC security professionals, you will be able to ensure your security posture is up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence, and any threats in your environment will be detected and responded to faster, to reduce your risk.


How do we make it happen?

We’ve built a multicloud security platform comprised of multiple industry-leading technologies, including Armor, for comprehensive coverage that can be deployed into your IT environment via a lightweight software component. Our platform collects and then analyzes millions of events and logs from network and cloud native tools to produce enriched event data that is fed into our SIEM for analysis by our SOC security experts. Our unique security solutions offer protection for a variety of infrastructure sizes and security needs.

“With the introduction of Armor into the Rackspace Technology security portfolio, Rackspace Technology now has the ability to secure and manage workloads on-prem, in private or public clouds, multi-cloud and hybrid environments. Armor provides security and compliance outcomes that complement and enhance the value Rackspace Technology currently provides.”

Lisa McLin, Global Vice President and Channel Chief, Rackspace Technology


Whether you’re established in the cloud or are looking to begin your IT transformation journey, let Rackspace Technology be your security force multiplier. Learn more about how we can help reduce your risk by reading our ebook, “Strategic security considerations for cloud migrations,” which can help expand your way of looking at the cloud and its potential for your business.


Strategic security considerations for cloud migrations