Para comenzar el nuevo año, estrenamos Cloud Talk Live con nuestro primer invitado del año, David Lindner. Analizamos las novedades en Cloud y qué esperar en el futuro en Cloud.
Jeff DeVerter / Rackspace Technology
Nuestro invitado destacado
David Lindner | Ejecutivo de clientes, Rackspace Technology
AWS IoT Device Management lanza la capacidad de reintento automatizado para que los trabajos mejoren las tasas de éxito de las implementaciones a gran escala
Versiones de Azure
Generalmente disponible: soporte para copiar los dashboards que se agregan a Azure IoT Central
Generalmente disponible: mapeos de datos para transformar los datos cuando ingresan en Azure IoT Central
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Jeff has 25 years of experience in IT and technology, and has worked at Rackspace Technology for over 10 years. Jeff is a proven strategic leader who has helped companies like American Express, Ralph Lauren, and Thompson Reuters create and execute against multi-year digital transformation strategies. During his time at Rackspace Technology, Jeff has launched and managed many of the products and services that Rackspace Technology offers, as well as supporting merger and acquisition activities to enhance those offerings. Jeff is the father of two young men and husband to his wife Michelle of 27 years. When not at Rackspace Technology or around San Antonio, you can find Jeff doing land restoration on his ranch in the Texas hill country.
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