Oracle EBS cloning with version 19c Database
by Rackspace Technology Staff
This post discusses the process of step-by-step cloning with on-premise Oracle®; E-Business Suite® (EBS) R12.2 on a version 19c Database by using Recovery Manager (RMAN) Hot backup on Red Hat®; Enterprise Linux®; servers. These steps also apply to different operating systems.
EBS Cloning
To perform EBS cloning, you need to complete the following high-level steps:
1. Run a pre-clone utility on the source database and application nodes.
2. Back up the full Container Database (CDB) database with archives by using RMAN Hot backup and copy it to the target node.
3. Clean up the target database and application node.
4. Copy the source application binaries and database binaries to the target node.
5. Configure $Oracle_Home on the target database node.
6. Restore and recover the databases.
7. Perform post-restore steps on the Target database node.
8. Configure the application on the target application node.
9. Perform post-clone steps on the application node.
10. Start the target application services.
Here are the steps in detail:
1. Run pre-clone utility
a. Run the following commands to source the pluggable database (PDB) environment file on
the database node at $ORACLE_HOME:
. <PDB_NAME>_hostname.env
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
perl dbTier
b. Run the following commands on the application node:
EBSApps run (Source RUN FS)
perl appsTier
2. Back up the CDB
Back up the full CDB database with archives by using RMAN Hot backup and copy it to the
target node:
a. Run the following commands to source the CDB environment file at $ORACLE_HOME:
. <CDB_NAME>_hostname.env
connect target /
b. Run the following commands to complete this step:
run {
allocate channel d1 type disk;
allocate channel d2 type disk;
allocate channel d3 type disk;
allocate channel d4 type disk;
BACKUP as compressed backupset FULL FILESPERSET 10 FORMAT '<Backup location>/<SID>_bk_%s_%p_%t.bak' DATABASE;
BACKUP as compressed backupset filesperset 10 FORMAT '<Backup location>/<SID>_arch_%s_%p_%t.bak' ARCHIVELOG ALL skip inaccessible;
BACKUP FORMAT '<Backup location>/<SID>_cntrl_%s_%p_%t.bak' CURRENT CONTROLFILE;
After completing the backup, either move to the target location or Network File System (NFS) share the backup mount point to the target node to save time.
3. Clean up
Clean up the target database and application node.
Run the following steps on the database node
a. Take a backup of the following important configuration files and directories before
you clean them up:
- environment files
- dbs
- $TNS\_ADMIN directories.
b. Remove target OH and drop the database.
c. Remove contents of oraInventory
Note that the UTL directories should not have symbolic links. If symbolic links exist, remove them and create a physical directory structure.
Run the following steps on the application node:
4. Copy the binaries
Perform the following steps to copy the source application binaries and database binaries
to the target node.
a. On the database node, copy and transfer version 19.0.0(19c) binaries to the target database server.
b. On the application node, transfer only the EBSapps directory of RUN FS from the source to the target node under the target RUN FS
5. Configure $Oracle_Home
Configure $Oracle_Home on the target database node.
Before running to configure $Oracle_Home, clean up the oraInventory directory. If you are doing cloning for the first time on a new server, then run only the following steps and provide values for all inputs. Perform the following steps:
a. Create the context file:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin
perl contextfile=<Source database context file> template=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template/adxdbctx.tmp [pairsfile=<Pairs file Path>]
perl dbTechStack <Full Path of CONTEXT_FILE>
b. Create listener.ora and tnsnames.ora
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
./txkSetCfgCDB.env -dboraclehome=<ORACLE_HOME>
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
perl -dboraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME -cdbname=<target CDB NAME> \
-cdbsid=<SID> -dbport=<Target DB port> -outdir=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log \
-israc=<yes/no> [-virtualhostname=<virtual hostname>]
c. If this is a repeated cloned instance, use the **CONTEXT_FILE** backup to configure the
target database binaries:
cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
perl dbTechStack <Full Path of CONTEXT_FILE backup location>
d. If this is a repeated cloned instance, revert the dbs and TNS files so that all
configuration files and init parameters are intact after configuration.
e. Start the listener.
After you configure $Oracle_Home, start the target database restore by using that backup that you took earlier:
a. Before restoring, check that the following parameters are correct in the target node.
- db\_file\_name\_convert
- log\_file\_name\_convert
b. Start the target database in a `nomount` state and run the following RMAN command to restore the database:
Rman auxiliary /
allocate auxiliary channel d1 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel d2 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel d3 device type disk;
duplicate database to '<CDB NAME>' backup location '<RMAN backup location>' nofilenamecheck;
release channel d1;
release channel d2;
release channel d3;
7. Target post-restore steps
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> alter pluggable database "<Source PDB Name>" close;
SQL> alter pluggable database "<Source PDB Name>" unplug into '<ORACLE_HOME>/dbs/<Source PDB Name>_PDBDesc.xml';
SQL> drop pluggable database "<Source PDB Name>";
SQL> create pluggable database "<Target PDB Name>" using <ORACLE_HOME>/dbs/<PDB Name>_PDBDesc.xml NOCOPY SERVICE_NAME_CONVERT=(ebs_<Source PDB Name>,ebs_<Target PDB Name>,<Source PDB Name>_ebs_patch,<Target PDB Name>_ebs_patch);
SQL> alter pluggable database "<Target PDB Name>" open read write;
SQL> alter pluggable database all save state instances=all;
SQL> sho pdbs
------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
b. Source the PDB env file and perform the following command to set the target
UTL\_FILE\_DIR values in Oracle Database:
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -oraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME -outdir=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log -mode=getUtlFileDir
c. Run the following command to edit the \<PDB Name\>\_utlfiledir.txt file under
Oracle_Home/dbs and change the UTL Path accordingly
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -oraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME -outdir=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log -mode=setUtlFileDir
d. Run the following script for each path in \<PDB Name\>\_utlfiledir.txt
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -oraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME -outdir=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log -mode=createDirObject
perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -oraclehome=$ORACLE_HOME -outdir=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log -mode=syncUtlFileDir -skipautoconfig=yes
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/install/$CONTEXT_NAME
sqlplus / as sysdba @adupdlib.sql <libext>
clean FND_NODE table
sqlplus apps/<Source Apps password>
e. Use the following command to run
cd <$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME>
8. Configure the target application
Configure the application on the target application node:
a. Before starting, clean up the PATCH FS, FS_NE, and oraInventory directories.
b. Run the following commands to configure the application:
cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS="<Temp directory location>"
perl ./ appsTier dualfs
c. Provide all the inputs here.
d. If this is a repeated cloning instance, you can also use the backup of a CONTEXT_FILE. Run the following command:
perl ./ appsTier <location of CONTEXT_FILE backup> dualfs
9. Application post-clone steps
Perform the post-clone steps on the Application node:
a. After you configure the application, change the apps, sysadmin, and custom schema password, if any, by using the FNDCPASS command.
b. After changing the apps password, run Autoconfig on the database node and the application node.
c. Perform other custom steps, if any, for cloned instances.
10. Start the target application services
You can now start all application services of the target clone instance and perform all sanity checks for the cloned instances.
Using the preceding steps, you can clone or refresh the PROD instance to non-prod servers with version 19c databases with a multitenant architecture.

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