Use the Oracle Forms APP_MULTI package
by Amit Kumar, Professional Services Delivery Engineer, Rackspace Technology
The Oracle® APP\_MULTI package enables you to add multi-selection functionality to a form. This option is available in APPCORE Library. By using the APP\_MULTI package, you can select single or multiple records and process them as needed. The following image illustrates random record selection:
The APP\_MULTI package enables you to perform the following actions:
- Click on a single record to select it.
- Press and hold the Ctrl key and click on multiple records to select several records at the same time.
- Choose Select All from the application menu to select all records.
- Choose Deselect All from the application menu to deselect all selected records.
- Click the first record, and hold down the shift key while you click the last record in a sequence to select several contiguous records.
APP\_MULTI package events
The APP\_MULTI package responds to the following events on a form:
- KEY-CLRFRM: (form-level) Validates the record before it clears the form. Use example: `APP_MULTI.EVENT('KEY-CLRFRM');`
- KEY-CLRREC: (block-level) Fires when you clear the current record. It is equivalent to the `clear_record` command.
- KEY-CREREC: (block-level) Fires when you create a new record. It is equivalent to the `create_record` command.
- KEY-DELREC: (block-level) Fires when you delete an existing record. It is equivalent to the `delete_record` command.
- PRE-BLOCK: (block-level) Fires when you enter a block.
- POST-BLOCK: (block-level) Fires when you exit from a block.
- SELECT_ALL: (block-level) Fires when you select all records.
- DESELECT_ALL: (block-level) Fires when you deselect all records.
- WHEN-CLEAR-BLOCK: (block-level) Fires when you clear the block.
- WHEN-MOUSE-CLICK: (block-level) Fires when you click the mouse.
- WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE: (block-level) Fires when you create or query a record on the block.
Manually create triggers
You need to create the necessary triggers and explicitly call the APP_MULTI.EVENT procedure by passing the name of the event being handled, as shown in the following example:
PROCEDURE event(p_event_name VARCHAR2,p_blockname
For example, the `KEY-CLRREC` trigger can be as simple as the following command:
Note: The procedure accepts an optional argument `p_blockname`. If you don't
pass `p_blockname`, the procedure uses the value of SYSTEM.TRIGGER\_BLOCK
Selection and deselection events
When you implement the custom MULTI\_RETURN\_ACTION trigger (either in a data block or at the top level of a form), the system notifies you of the record selection and deselection. The trigger fires after every individual or bulk record selection or deselection.
Trigger variables
- The GLOBAL.APPCORE\_MULTI\_BLOCK global: has the name of the data block that is affected by record selection or deselection.
- The GLOBAL.APPCORE\_MULTI\_ACTION global: has any of the following values:
- 'RECORD\_SELECTED': When a record is selected
- 'RECORD\_DESELECTED': When a record is deselected
- 'LABEL\_CHANGE': When the Select All or Deselect All menu
items are enabled or disabled
- The APP\_MULTI.LOOPING package variable: has either TRUE or FALSE values, depending on whether you called MULTI\_RECORD\_ACTION within a loop.
Retrieve data selected on a form
For each data block, the APP\_MULTI package has a record group with the record numbers of the currently selected records. You can perform the following tasks by providing the name of the data block
- Use the APP\_MULTI.GET\_GROUP\_COL function to access a record group's Only column for a specific data block.
- Use the APP\_MULTI.GET\_GROUP\_COUNT to get the number of selected records.
For example, given a discrete jobs form, block W\_JOBS, and a field, WIP\_ENTITY\_ID, you can print the IDs of the selected jobs by using the following PL/SQL code:
record_number_column groupcolumn;
selected_record_count NUMBER;
record_number_column := app_multi.get_group_col ('W_JOBS');
selected_record_count :=app_multi.get_group_count ('W_JOBS');
FOR i IN 1 .. selected_record_count
record_number NUMBER;
v_wip_entity_id NUMBER;
record_number := GET_GROUP_NUMBER_CELL (record_number_column, i);
GO_RECORD (record_number);
v_wip_entity_id := NAME_IN ('W_JOBS.WIP_ENTITY_ID');
fnd_message.debug ( 'v_wip_entity_id' || v_wip_entity_id);
With the APP\_MULTI package, you can process bulk data in custom Oracle forms. This package lets you get the details of bulk data that a user selects on the standard forms. You can use it in the form of personalization or custom.pll code to add custom functionality in a standard Oracle form.
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