Private cloud data centre expansion moves Pipedrive closer to clients

Regional OpenStack data centres bring Pipedrive closer to over 100,000 global users, minimising response times and addressing regional compliance demands.

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Pipedrive grew from a handful of customers in 2010 to over 100,000 users in 150 countries. It needed to expand its private cloud data centres into Europe and the UK to deliver high levels of performance and regional compliance.

Soluções Cloud, Cloud Adoption & Migration, Application Modernization Plataformas Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenStack Private

Our customer

Founded in 2010, Pipedrive is the global sales-first CRM and intelligent revenue management platform for small businesses. As a global cloud-based software company, Pipedrive develops SaaS tools to help sales and marketing teams win more deals and close deals faster.

Pipedrive has grown dramatically from a start-up to a large company with over 1,000 employees and more than 100,000 customers in more than 150 countries worldwide. It is headquartered in New York and has offices across Europe and the U.S.

“We benefit from Rackspace Technology’s spirit of innovation. As our managed cloud provider, the company helps us scale to match the fast-moving development of our platform’s functionality and rapidly growing customer numbers.”
Agur Jõgi, CTO, Pipedrive

The obstacles they faced

Pipedrive began as a CRM application built by sales professionals for sales professionals, and mostly for small companies. But as the company grew from a few clients to nearly 100,000, so did its global reach. Pipedrive started with one public cloud data centre in the U.S., which was later upgraded to Managed OpenStack Private Cloud. To meet the needs of its expanding customer base, Pipedrive needed additional data centres with a similar infrastructure and setup.

In particular, Pipedrive needed data centres that were closer to its users, including in the UK and European countries outside of the EU. A leading reason for the expansion was to alleviate stress on the existing data centres and ensure its clients were well supported. A second critical reason was to better meet highly localized security, compliance and data sovereignty requirements, such as GDPR.

Just as Pipedrive was searching for a new data centre, Rackspace Technology® was building its first German data center in Frankfurt. Pipedrive opened its second data center in that location. Its third location was in London, and it will soon open a fourth location in the U.S.  

“We're always looking at new ways to branch out and geo-expand our application,” said Kristjan Elias,Head of Infrastructure at Pipedrive. We have a long relationship with Rackspace Technology, and they have proved to be highly experienced in the services we need. The company has been with us all along, helping facilitate our cloud infrastructure growth. Since we have a great relationship with Rackspace Technology, we know how to work with the company and leverage its service to meet our needs, such as scaling our infrastructure.”

Group of 3 young men and women looking at a man explaning something

“What’s been important to us is that we always have a team of experts inside Rackspace Technology who are dedicated to us and are ready, willing and able to take the lead on any challenges we are facing and stay with each challenge until it's resolved.”

Koren Aisenstadt, Director of Engineering Operations, Pipedrive
Building with the sun in the background

How we helped

Rackspace Technology was Pipedrive’s vendor of choice in 2013 when the company needed its first data centre. Rackspace Technology supplied the public cloud infrastructure for Pipedrive in its Chicago data centre. When Pipedrive began to expand its business into new regions, Rackspace Technology provided the company with new data centre locations, such as in Germany. It also modernized the infrastructure from public cloud to OpenStack Private Cloud environments.

To better support companies like Pipedrive as they continue to expand their need for better, more scalable service and stronger security, Rackspace Technology is opening new data centres around the world. Most recently, Rackspace Technology opened a newly built OpenStack Private Cloud data centre in the UK, which Pipeline will use to better serve its customers in that region.

To help ensure Pipedrive maintains maximum uptime, Rackspace Technology provides the company with 24x7x365 engineering support. Any cloud architecture problems that arise are solved immediately by the team. In this way, Rackspace Technology frees Pipedrive to focus on expanding its product and customer base. 

“Thanks to Rackspace Technology, we are free from the hassle of maintaining our application architecture,” said Agur Jõgi, CTO at Pipedrive. “Their experts are an integral part of helping us with any complicated, technical issues that arise. As a result, our DevOps infrastructure engineers don’t have to deal with those issues. This frees us to focus on our product development and growing our customer base.”

Today, Rackspace Technology maintains alignment with Pipedrive’s long-term business goals to understand where they want to go and what they want to achieve next — while proactively anticipating the company’s future architecture and service needs. This level of teamwork ensures that whenever Pipedrive is ready to grow and scale its data centre faculties, Rackspace is prepared to meet its needs.

“As a team player, Rackspace Technology gives us confidence that with any future growth of our product, we will have the level of service we need,” stated Koren Aisenstadt, Director of Engineering Operations at Pipedrive. “As a result, nothing will block our progress.

“We view Rackspace Technology as our main partner for infrastructure and hosting-related issues,” added Aisenstadt. “But we are working with them on other services as well, like AWS, New Relic, Cloudflare and many others. We plan to keep this relationship going for many years to come.”


What we achieved together

The installation and management of OpenStack Private Cloud in multiple state-of-the-art data centres around the world has brought Pipedrive’s CRM sales and marketing platform closer to its U.S., UK and European customers, including several eastern European and Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey and Israel.

The regional presence of the data centres ensures Pipedrive can minimise response times and meet customers’ regionally specific security, compliance and data sovereignty requirements.

Its network of Rackspace Technology data centres reduces customers’ risk in the unlikely event of data centre or connectivity issues. It also reduces the risk of congestion or saturation on the platform and, therefore, the need for engineering remediation. This helps to ensure that Pipedrive customers experience high levels of performance.

Following the most recent data centre launch in the UK, Pipedrive is planning its first customer migrations to the region. Rackspace Technology is involved in every stage of the project, from ideation to scoping to execution. It will also provide ongoing maintenance.  

The future for Pipedrive includes multicloud and many more data centers. Rackspace Technology will continue to help the company launch and manage new applications on AWS, especially in remote areas of the world.

Sobre a Rackspace Technology

A Rackspace Technology é especialista em soluções multinuvem. Combinamos nossa experiência com as melhores tecnologias do mundo, em aplicativos, dados e segurança, para fornecer soluções de ponta a ponta. Temos um histórico comprovado de assessoria aos clientes com base nos desafios do negócio, desenvolvendo soluções escalonáveis, construindo e gerenciando essas soluções e otimizando os retornos no futuro.

Como pioneiros globais em serviços de tecnologia multinuvem, fornecemos recursos inovadores da nuvem para ajudar os clientes a gerar novos fluxos de receita, aumentar a eficiência e criar experiências incríveis. Considerada um dos melhores lugares para se trabalhar por anos consecutivos de acordo com a Fortune, a Forbes e o Glassdoor, atraímos e desenvolvemos talentos de alto nível para oferecer a melhor experiência para os nossos clientes. Tudo o que fazemos está envolto em nossa obsessão pelo sucesso dos nossos clientes – nossa Fanatical Experience™ – para que possam trabalhar com mais rapidez e inteligência, à frente do que está por vir.


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